If you are a Destiny 2 power player, you are probably familiar with d2armorpicker.com (and if you aren’t, you should be). The super star developer who built Armor Picker known as Mijago has built another fantastic tool that can scan your profile to find any missing emblems that have been given away over the years.

To use it, simply head to https://mijago.github.io/D2RewardChecker/ and enter your Bungie name into the Guardian Tag field. You’ll then be shown your cross-play profiles. Selecting one will scan your profile and show you the emblems you’ve redeemed, and more importantly the ones you haven’t. I just ran it for my own profile and discovered I had a few that I never grabbed (which I’m typically pretty good at doing!)

You can also check someone else’s Bungie name and quickly send them a list of all unredeemed codes using the card all the way at the bottom.

Get a Privacy Settings Warning?

If you get a warning about privacy settings, fixing it is pretty easy. To do this, head to bungie.net & log in. Click your profile image above and head to Settings. Then in your settings, go to Privacy and make sure the last box is checked.

Supporting the Developer

You can support Mijago by heading to their ko-fi profile at https://ko-fi.com/mijago.